WELCOME Parents and Community
Orange Unified School District Accountability Information
This is a summary of the reports that are available through DataQuest. You may also use QuickQuest for less elaborate data reports concerning Kindergarten through grade twelve enrollment and English learners.
California's integrated accountability system that reports both the state Academic Performance Index (API), and the federal Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and Program Improvement (PI).
Accountability Progress Report
The CAASPP results you'll find on this Web site give us all a key measure of how well students are doing—and give teachers and schools information they need to improve instruction and help every child prepare for a bright future.
CAASPP Test Results
(SARC), which is required by law to be published annually, contains information about the condition and performance of each California public school. More information about SARC requirements is available at the California Department of Education (CDE) Web site.
The School Accountability Report Card
California Accountability & Improvement System
CAIS is a web-based support system used to review school plans and monitor compliance documentation for schools (public and non-public), districts, and county offices that receive funding for certain programs.